TA2 - IR Thermometer Appliance for Permanent Installation, Use and Readiness

Professional contactless IR Thermometer Appliance for permanent installation, use and readiness with 2" Color TFT Display, Audio Feedback and a 5 Year Warranty - Made in USA.

What to expect

The TA2 - IR Thermometer Appliance is permanently powered for permanent installation, use and readiness.

The Thermometer (once calibrated) is very accurate in determining the ambient temperature of its operating environment to within 0.5°F or 0.25°C. It is factory calibrated but the components can drift over time so the unit has non-volatile memory and a setup mode where the calibration parameters can be updated. Normally that is not required.

High Throughput

When processing people fast is a requirement; with 8 seconds acquisition time, 5 seconds result display and assuming a 4 second step on / step off time, the TA2 Thermometer allows for reliable processing of 4 persons per minute or 240 persons per hour.


A Color TFT Display with large letters for temperature readout gives clear visual feedback. In addition audible and visual notification of "Pass" or "no Pass" makes the unit easy to use.

For visually impaired users a version that reads out the the result is available.

The Auto-Wake feature allows the unit to be dark, saving power and waking up the moment a body surface is presented to the TA2's infrared sensor.

EDSaP Relay Option

An optional relay attachment that connects between the EDSaP power source and the unit can be used to open a gate, a turnstyle or a door when “Pass” has been detected or raise an alarm when “noPass” has been detected. The default ON time is 5 seconds.

Reading distance

Best results are achieved when presenting a body surface approximately 0.5”...2” away from the sensor or the device surface. It will read when you touch it but the temperature read may be 0.5 to 2 degrees higher.

Where to install

The form factor of the TA2 allows it to fit into a standard electrical wall box with any DECORA bezel, allowing you to customize it to your environment. If you generally use your hand or wrist or touch it with one of your fingers, you may want to consider an appropriate height and a location where it can easily be reached.

If you prefer measuring your body temperature on your forehead or open mouth you may want to consider the smallest family member so the taller ones wil have to bend down. Also you may not have any obstructions below the thermometer so that you can easily position yourself in front of the device.


Desk Top Version

Ideal in reception areas on the reception desk or at a dedicated position for visitors to verify their body temperature.

Handheld Version

Ideal in mobile checkpoints where an attendant takes the readings. One nightly charge will last for approximately 18 hours of operation

Wall Mount (DECORA) Version

Best suited for permanent installations such as in a GYM in a bathroom, in a reception area fits into most US electrical junction boxes for light switches or wall plugs. The device can also be integrated into access control and reception furniture.

Free Standing Version

Ideal for deployment at events and conferences where reliable high volume processing is required.

Product Versions Ringdale Part No.
DECORA Wall Mont TA2-E-DECORA00-27-0777-1000
Handheld TA2-H-E00-27-0777-3000
Desk Top TA2-D-E00-27-0777-2000
Free Standing TA2-F-E00-27-0777-4000

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